Näyttely: “La Grande Lessive”

All the classes of Jules Verne French School took part in a short art exhibition: La Grande Lessive. French schools around the world participate in this fleeting art installation made of plastic A4-sized creations (drawings, paintings, digital pictures, collages and visual poems). These creations are then hung up with clothes pegs in private or public spaces.

The theme for this year was “My life from here and there” and the creations were hung up last Friday October 12th in front of the school.

PS and MS pupils worked on Finnish animals. GS and CP pupils worked on their childhood from the playground and around the world. Pupils of CE1/CE2 worked on the dual culture, the alternation of day and night and the representation of the Earth. Cycle III pupils worked on self-portrait in collaboration with a professional photographer.

The creations have been hung since 8:00 am but because of the rain we had to put them back inside the school where you can admire the works of our future artists.


The teaching staff.