At the French School Jules Verne, pupils evolve in a multilingual and multicultural environment where a dozen languages are present. All subjects are taught in French apart from Finnish and English lessons.



All subjects are taught in French apart from Finnish and English lessons. Teaching is given by qualified and native French speaking staff.


Children do not need to speak French before the age of six. However, the earlier they begin, the faster they learn. 


In the playschool, children naturally grow up in a French educational environment. Our teachers and assistants help them in this learning process by offering them rich and varied pedagogical situations.


Some of our class assistants also speak Finnish, which allows them to meet the needs of younger children when needed.


Schoolbooks as well as supplies are ordered from France.



In accordance with the programmes of the French Ministry of Education and with the language policy of the AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad), children start learning English at the preparatory course (CP) of the elementary school (1h30 per week). It is the same in CE1.


From CE2, English instruction is reinforced with the teaching of one school subject in English (2 hours) in addition to 2 hours of English lessons (that is to say 4 hours in all).


This method, designed by the AEFE, aims to strengthen the pupils’ language learning and the mastery of a foreign language.



Finnish is the language of the host country and, as such, it must be provided in parallel with the instruction in French.


A qualified native Finnish speaking teacher is in charge of the Finnish lessons from PS until CM2.


From CP onwards, pupils have 2 hours of Finnish per week. Finnish-speaking pupils receive the same mother tongue instruction as in Finnish schools, and they use the same textbooks.


Non-Finnish-speaking students also benefit from this Finnish language exposure with adapted teaching.

Miitta Juntunen, Finnish teacher